Vintage ads.
“Follow us, if you can!”
Issue: Dec, 1924
THEY all take your dust when you open the throttle of the new “Stream-Line” Harley-Davidson!
Everywhere, sportsmen are talking about this 1925 model of the world’s greatest motorcycle. Its rakish, stream-line design makes it the classiest mount on the road. It has more speed —more power. It is more comfortable (better springs and bigger tires). Yet the price is reduced!
Treat yourself to the thrill of a trial ride on the new “Stream-Line” Harley-Davidson. Test the speed, power, and vibrationless comfort of this marvelous motorcycle. But look out for “speed cops”—most of them have Harley-Davidsons too!
The Motorcycle
Issue: Jan, 1924
Hey everyone. Sorry for the light posting. I’ve been on vacation in NYC visiting my family and I didn’t prepare enough posts for the whole week. I was planning on processing some while I was here, but I’ve had some problems getting Parallels running right on my new laptop. I should have a fresh batch of new stuff up on Monday.
Winter Sports!
SKATING, skiing, tobogganing, ice boating — there’s a thrill in each, but none of these can match the sport of winter motorcycling on a 1924 Harley-Davidson!
Speeding with the snowflakes, over trails or roads, with a pal in the sidecar to share the exhilaration that makes you feel ten years younger!
Fore-wheel brake
Issue: Oct, 1927
Fore-wheel brake
First time in America!
The most advanced models in the history of the motorcycle industry, with improvements that are being talked about from coast to coast.
Outstanding feature for 1928 is the Fore-Wheel Brake — doubled safety. Other improve-ments are: Throttle controlled motor oiler—air cleaner—positive gearshift lock gate.
Greater stability! Increased safety! Longer life! Streamlines that make each model a beauty! Five minutes in the saddle will convince you that this is the mount you have been looking for.
No increase in prices. Solo Twins as low as $310 f. o. b. factory. See your local dealer. Send coupon for catalog.
Harley Davidson Motor Co.
New Model Sport-Solo Twin
Pace-setter for 1928! Has all the new features of standard Twin and in addition has smaller wheels—25″ x 3.85″ balloon tires—roadster handlebars. Dow-metal pistons, racing type, optional at slight increase in price. The ideal solo mount —wonderfully smooth acceleration and even flow of power.
Issue: Oct, 1947
It’s Always Fun-Time! When You Own a HARLEY-DAVIDSON
OWNING a Harley-Davidson opens a whole new world of thrills for you! Anytime you get the urge you swing into the saddle and go where there’s fun and excitement ! The whole outdoors is yours to enjoy — you can do more and see more — as you go “adventuring” on evenings, holidays and weekends. And what a continual round of good times awaits you as you join other fun-loving riders on pleasure trips and gypsy tours — or take in race meets, hillclimbs and other thrill-packed events that make motorcycling the world’s greatest sport! See your Harley-Davidson dealer NOW — and mail the coupon today!
Issue: Feb, 1932
Swifter THAN Skis!
SWIFTLY as ski-riders flash down a snowy slide, a Harley-Davidson is faster—when you open up its marvelous power.
And it is just as thrilling to ride, but easier and safer. Like skis, the motorcycle responds to every whim of the rider—every sway of his body. It is a personal mount — a pal, and a playmate — not just a vehicle. You never tire of riding it.
Motorcycling is the Sport of a Thousand Thrills—and the ideal way to get there-and-back faster and at less expense.
Your nearby Harley-Davidson Dealer wants to show you our 1932 Models — Single and Twins—priced from $195 up, at the factory. Why not see him today — and ask him about his Pay-As-You-Ride Plan that makes buying so easy?
Ride a Harley-Davidson
Race with the Leaves!
Issue: Nov, 1931
Race with the leaves? Are you serious? That’s the best slogan you could come up with? To me a race implies a competitive event, with a winner and a looser. You don’t know who’s going to win from the outset, that’s what makes it a RACE. So what they are saying in this ad is: Cruising along on your Harley with the throttle all the way open, driving as fast as you can; you may still be passed by a leaf. You know a leaf, falling from a tree. Or kicked up by a light breeze.
Why not just say: “Harley Davidson – It’s faster than walking.”*
(except for very fast walkers)
Update: I saw (via Boing Boing) that the current Worth 1000 Photoshop contest is titled “Bad Ads“. I think that this ad fits the contest better than some of the actual entries, but they are very funny nonetheless. If you haven’t checked out the Worth 1K contests you should, they can be hilarious.
Race with the Leaves!
BREEZE down an Autumn road, free as the red leaves that swirl along with you. Open up the eager motor of your Harley-Davidson — feel the thrill of its power, the surge of its silent speed. What a motorcycle!
Have you seen the 1932 models? They are better performers than ever — handsomer, more comfortable, better equipped—yet the prices are much lower.
Your dealer wants to show you these new Harley-Davidsons — and tell you about his Pay-As-You-Ride Plan. Why not look him up today?
Only $195 at Factory
Lowest-priced motorcycle ever offered by Harley-Davidson. A swift, sturdy Single, fully equipped—complete electrical system, 3-speed transmission, front and rear brakes, all conveniences. Easy to handle — costs almost nothing to run. Ask your Dealer.
Issue: Apr, 1934
I think it would be awesome if Harley riders started wearing nifty caps and bow ties again.
Open Season on Fun!
Ride a Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
It’s outdoor time—and the open season for going places! When you own a 1937 Harley-Davidson you light out for the fun spots any time—evenings, Saturday afternoons, and over week-ends. Distant places are brought nearer—your mount has speed galore. Costs are way down low—the new Harley-Davidsons have many new and unusual motor improvements which cut gas and oil consumption tremendously. No other type of transportation can match these up-to-the-minute motorcycles for economy. And say—if it’s smart styling, class, and riding comfort you want— get aboard one of these 1937 models!
See your nearest Harley-Davidson dealer—PRONTO. Ask him for a FREE RIDE — about his Easy Pay Plans — and send in the coupon.
Issue: Nov, 1934
MORE “punch” than a motorcycle motor has ever had before—that’s what is shooting Harley-David-sons ahead to victory on track and hill the world over.
Wait till you feel the thrill of that surging power under you as you zoom up grades and flash down straightaways! There’s no ride like a Harley-Davidson ride—and never before has there been a Harley-Davidson to equal the 1934 models with their marvelous TNT motors.
Your nearby Harley-Davidson dealer will be glad to show you how quickly you can learn to ride a Twin or Single — and how easy they are to buy on his time-payment plans. See him soon — and mail the coupon.
Happy Days are Here Again
Issue: Apr, 1936
Happy Days are Here Again
SPRINGTIME is get-together-time — out of doors! You enjoy old friends more — make new friends — and pack every outdoor hour with pleasure — when you own a 1936 Harley-Davidson. . . It’s some motorcycle! You’ll marvel at its wind-piercing lines and perfect balance — its airplane-like speed and snap — and above all, the amazing performance of its up-to-the-minute motor with new and exclusive features. Many sparkling color combinations— every one a beauty. Streamlined sidecar or chummy “Buddy Seat” for get-together rides—available on the 45’s, 74’s and the new 80 cubic inch Twin.
See your nearest Harley-Davidson dealer—PRONTO! Ask him
for a FREE RIDE—about his EASY PAY PLANS
— and send in the coupon.
Ride a Harley-Davidson
Take a “GYPSY VACATION” with a Harley-Davidson Hydra-Glide
Issue: Jun, 1950
THIS year … go roaming! Swing into the saddle of a super-smooth Harley-Davidson Hydra-Glide and see America the thrilling, fun-packed way! Cruise down scenic back-country roads! Explore little-known wilderness trails! Adventure through out-of-way mountain, desert and lake regions.
Issue: Nov, 1950
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What a Honey!
The New 1951 Harley-Davidson HYDRA-GLIDE
SLEEK, smooth and beautiful. And what a performer. Takes off like a scared rabbit. Snuggles to the road like a clinging vine. Breezes over hills like a bird. Whisks you over rough spots with cloud-like ease … brings you thrill after thrill as you take in exciting race meets, hillclimbs, gypsy tours, sightseeing runs and other exclusive motorcycling fun events. You’ve never really been places and seen things until you’ve ridden this dazzler! Every moment in the saddle is fascinating. Every trip brings new adventures and new companionships. See your dealer today. Mail the coupon now
Issue: Feb, 1951
You’ll always have lots of fun with a HARLEY-DAVIDSON Hydra-Glide
Thrills and adventure are all around you, when you ride the exciting, super-smooth Harley-Davidson Hydra-Glide! It’s your all-season ticket to endless good times, on delightful gypsy tours, sightseeing trips, at races, runs, and other motorcycling pleasure-events. Easy to buy on convenient terms, so why not join in the fun? See your dealer today. Mail coupon now.
Issue: Aug, 1954
POWER that turns mountains into molehills
… and miles into minutes!
HERE’S power-riding at its thrilling best. From the moment you swing into the foam-rubber cushioned saddle . . . from the instant you twist the throttle of this breath-taking beauty, you’ll know why the Harley-Davidson 74 OHV is the one motorcycle every rider wants to own. See it! Thrill to a test ride at your dealer’s today. Ask about his easy pay plans. If you now own a motorcycle, get his liberal trade-in deal. For your copy of the action-packed, picture-filled ENTHUSIAST Magazine and illustrated literature, send 10 cents to Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Dept. P, Milwaukee 1, Wisconsin.
Harley Davidson
Issue : 1962
Get on the GO!!
Issue : 1964
Issue : 1967년