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일요일, 1월 12, 2025

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코로나 가짜뉴스로 밝혀진 빌 게이츠의 “코로나바이러스의 14가지 교훈”

한때 빌 게이츠가 썼다는 “코로나바이러스의 14가지 교훈”이라는 글이 인터넷을 돌았습니다. 그러나 BBC등이 검증한 결과 이 편지는 코로나 가짜뉴스라는 것이 밝혀졌습니다.

며칠전부터 “What can we learn from the spread of the new Coronavirus”라는 제목의 빌 게이츠가 작성했다는 코로나바이러스가 주는 교훈이라는 글이 공유되었습니다.

그러나 이 글에 대해서 BBC를 비롯한 언론매체에서 검증한 결과 이 글은 빌 게이츠가 작성한 글이 아니라는 것이 밝혀졌습니다.

코로나19 관련해 가짜뉴스가 기승을 부리기 때문에 BBC는 코로나 관련 소식에 대해서 정기적으로 코로나 가짜뉴스인지를 검증하는 팩트 체크를 하는데요. 이번에는 빌 게이츠의 편지라는 글을 가지고 진위를 검증했네요.

이 글이 펀진 경로를 추적했는데 모델 나오미 켐벨까지 언급되는군요.

Coronavirus: The fake Bill Gates post and other claims to ignore

A long message falsely attributed to Bill Gates

또 INDEPENDENT도 빌게이트 편지 글에 대한 검증을 실시했고 빌 게이츠가 작성한 편지가 아니라고 밝혔습니다.

Coronavirus: Fake Bill Gates ‘letter’ shared as Covid-19 misinformation circulates online

가짜 빌 게이츠 편지 내용

아래 인터넷에 공유된 가짜 빌 게이츠 편지 내용입니다. 내용은 빌 게이츠 이름을 빌린만큼 나쁘진 않습니다. 기록용으로 여기에 옮겨 봅니다.

Title : What can we learn from the spread of the new Coronavirus

It has its own meaning. I firmly believe that everything is deeper behind us, for better or worse.

As I think more deeply about this, I want to share my experiences with you: What does the new coronavirus mean for us?

1. It reminds us that we are all equal regardless of culture, religion, profession, wealth or reputation. Compared to viruses, we are all equal. Maybe we should treat everyone the same.
If you don’t believe it, ask Tom Hanks.

2. It reminds us that we all have a deep connection. Individuals also have an impact on everyone.
It reminds us that the high walls of error that we have built do not matter because the virus is still running.

It also reminds us that although we are currently experiencing difficulties, more and more people will face life-long problems.

3. It reminds us that health is invaluable, but our lifestyle lags behind, eating unprocessed processed foods and drinking contaminated water.
If we continue to neglect health, the disease will eventually trap us.

4. It reminds us that life is short, mutual help is truly meaningful and helping the elderly and the patients we really should do.
Don’t waste your life buying toilet paper.

5. It reminds us of how materialistic our society is. When it comes to problems, we only know its needs (food, water, medicine, and what we really need), and tens of thousands of luxury goods can’t help us.

6. It reminds us of the importance of being with family members and reminding us of how much time we have wasted.
It forces us to return home, reunite with our families and strengthen family ties.

“what should we do”

7. It reminds us that work is not everything. Although we live for work, we do not live for work.
We really have to support each other, protect each other and take advantage of each other.

8. It always reminds us of self-realization.
It reminds us that whether you think you are great or really great, viruses can paralyze our world.

9. It reminds us that the power of free will is in our hands.
We can choose to cooperate, support, share, give and help each other. We can also choose to be interested in ourselves and only care about ourselves behind closed doors.

In fact, if you’re in trouble, you can tell the truth.

10. It reminds us that we can wait patiently and nervously.
We can be sensible and understand that there have been times like these and disasters will eventually pass. Or we may panic and preach to the end of the world, but this is ultimately harmful.

11. It reminds us that this is both the end and the beginning of a new point.
It can be a period of reflection and understanding, and we can learn from our mistakes. It can also be the starting point of a cycle, and we can only break this cycle if we can actually take it from it.

12. It reminds us that our planet is sick.
It reminds us that we should face the seriousness of deforestation, as well as when we value the speed at which toilet paper disappears. We are sick in our home because of inequality.

13. It reminds us that after dark the dawn will rise.
Life is cyclical, a phase in the cycle of human history that we go through. We don’t need to panic. Everything will be a thing of the past.

14. People think the New coronaVirus is a huge catastrophe, but I think it’s a “great fixer”.
The appearance of the new coronavirus epidemic reminds us of the important lessons we have apparently forgotten. It is still up to us to learn from the lessons.

가짜 빌 게이츠 편지 번역본

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빌 게이츠 “코로나바이러스의 14가지 교훈···우리 모두는 평등하다”



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