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금요일, 3월 28, 2025

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삼성전자, 포브스 선정 최고 직장으로 선정, LG는 5위, 네이버 37위

포브스가 삼성전자를 세계 기업 및 고용주 중에서 직원들의 평가한 최고 직장으로 선정했습니다. 그리고 LG는 5위를 기록하고 네이버가 37위에 오르는 등 전체 리스트 중 한국 기업은 35개 기업이 포함되는 등 나쁘지 않은 성적을 보였습니다.

포브스 파트너 마케팅 조사 업체인 Statista와 제휴해 전 세계 58개국에서 16만명이상의 정규직 및 시간제 노동자들을 대상으로 설문조사에서 가족과 친구에게 추천 여부,코로나 대응, 회사 이미지, 경제적 영향력, 경력 계발, 성평등, 사회적 책임 등의 측면을 고려해 세계 최고 고용주(Worlds Best Employers) 선정했습니다.

포브스는 세계 최고 고용주(Worlds Best Employers)라고 명칭했지만 우리나라에서 사용하는 용어등을 고려해 최고 직장으로 일부 번역 사용했습니다.

조사 방법

아래 포브스가 밝힌 내용을 기반으로 세계 최고 고용주(Worlds Best Employers) 선정 방법을 간략히 정리해 봤습니다.

  • 58개국 , 16만명 대상 조사
  • 조사 대상은 해당 회사의 정규직 및 시간제 노동자
  • 평가 항목
    . 자신의 고용주를 친구와 가족에게 추천할 의사
    이 설문은 10점 척도로 진행되어, 0은 “어떤 상황에서도 자신의 고용주를 추천하지 않을 것”을 의미하고 10은 “내 고용주를 확실히 추천 할 것”을 의미
    . 업계 내 가장 긍정적인 고용주 추천 및 업계 내 가장 부정적인 고용주 추천
    이러한 추천에 대한 동의/불일치 비율은 5점 척도로 측정
    . 회사의 코로나 팬데믹 대응 평가
    . 회사 이미지
    . 경제적 영향력
    . 회사의 인재 육성 의지나 전략
    . 회사의 양성 평등
    . 회사의 사회적 책임
  • 선정 내용 : 가장 좋은 평가를 얻은 750개 기업 명단
포스스 선정 세계 최고 고용주(Worlds Best Employers)선정을 위한 조사 국가
포스스 선정 세계 최고 고용주(Worlds Best Employers)선정을 위한 조사 국가 58개국

이 조사 결과 최고의 고용 기업 1위 삼성전자, 2위 아마존, 3위 IBM, 4위 MS, 5위 LG, 6위 애플 등으로 나타났습니다.

우리나라 기업 중 100위권에서는 위에서 언급한 1위 삼성전자, 5위 LG 외에도 네이버가 37위를 차지했고, 아모레퍼시픽 42위, 석유공사 62위, CJ 64위, 농심 72위, 네시소프트 73위, 만도 74위, 현대자동차 80위, SK그룹 88위로 그 이름을 올렸습니다.

기업별로 각 항목별로 어떻게 평가되었는지는 따로 발표하지 않아서 어떻게 삼성전자가 1위에 오를 수 있었는 자세히 알 수 없습니다.

삼성전자는 최근 몇년간 기존과 단절하는 새로운 인사 정책을 실시하고, 정부의 52시간 정책에 따라 회사 분위기가 굉장히 좋아졌다는 평가를 받고 있습니다. 이런 점들이 반영되었는지 모르겠지만 우리나라에서 일반적으로 바라보는 관점과 해외에서 바라보는 관점은 조금 상이하다는 생각도 해봅니다.

세계 최고 고용주(Worlds Best Employers) Top 100

1Samsung ElectronicsSemiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & EquipmentSouth Korea
2AmazonRetail and WholesaleUnited States
3IBMIT, Internet, Software & ServicesUnited States
4MicrosoftIT, Internet, Software & ServicesUnited States
5LGSemiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & EquipmentSouth Korea
6AppleSemiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & EquipmentUnited States
7AdobeIT, Internet, Software & ServicesUnited States
8AlphabetIT, Internet, Software & ServicesUnited States
9SiemensEngineering, ManufacturingGermany
10BoschEngineering, ManufacturingGermany
11AdidasClothing, Shoes, Sports EquipmentGermany
12Dell TechnologiesSemiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & EquipmentUnited States
13NikeClothing, Shoes, Sports EquipmentUnited States
14HuaweiSemiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & EquipmentChina
15AccentureProfessional ServicesIreland
16PhilipsHealth Care Equipment & ServicesNetherlands
17HPSemiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & EquipmentUnited States
18Cisco SystemsIT, Internet, Software & ServicesUnited States
19CognizantIT, Internet, Software & ServicesUnited States
20Costco WholesaleRetail and WholesaleUnited States
21Volvo GroupAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)Sweden
22Honda MotorAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)Japan
23BMW GroupAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)Germany
24SITAIT, Internet, Software & ServicesBelgium
25Deutsche LufthansaTransportation and LogisticsGermany
26Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)Construction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsSaudi Arabia
27Southwest AirlinesTransportation and LogisticsUnited States
28Marriott InternationalTravel & LeisureUnited States
29PayPalIT, Internet, Software & ServicesUnited States
30HCL TechnologiesIT, Internet, Software & ServicesIndia
31IKEARetail and WholesaleSweden
32Home DepotRetail and WholesaleUnited States
33Dassault SystemesIT Software & ServicesFrance
34Ford MotorAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)United States
35DaimlerAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)Germany
36VisaBanking and Financial ServicesUnited States
37NaverIT, Internet, Software & ServicesSouth Korea
38Dr. OetkerFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoGermany
39EmiratesTransportation and LogisticsUnited Arab Emirates
40TELUSTelecommunications Services, Cable SupplierCanada
41Suncor EnergyConstruction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsCanada
42AmorepacificPackaged GoodsSouth Korea
43OracleIT, Internet, Software & ServicesUnited States
44Gamuda BerhadConstruction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsMalaysia
45Delta Air LinesTransportation and LogisticsUnited States
46PepsiCoFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoUnited States
47PumaClothing, Shoes, Sports EquipmentGermany
48BrunswickEngineering, ManufacturingUnited States
49ShopifyIT, Internet, Software & ServicesCanada
50Alibaba GroupRetail and WholesaleChina
51FerrariAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)Italy
52SafranAerospace & DefenseFrance
53NetflixMedia & AdvertisingUnited States
54RossmannRetail and WholesaleGermany
55IntelSemiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & EquipmentUnited States
56SaputoFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoCanada
57Transat A.T.Travel & LeisureCanada
58FedExTransportation and LogisticsUnited States
59Michelin GroupAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)France
60Seattle GeneticsDrugs & BiotechnologyUnited States
61Swatch GroupEngineering, ManufacturingSwitzerland
62Korea National OilConstruction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsSouth Korea
63Lockheed MartinAerospace & DefenseUnited States
64CJ CorporationDrugs & BiotechnologySouth Korea
65KelloggFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoUnited States
66Colgate-PalmolivePackaged GoodsUnited States
67HeinekenFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoNetherlands
68Salesforce.comIT, Internet, Software & ServicesUnited States
69IntuitIT, Internet, Software & ServicesUnited States
70CLAASEngineering, ManufacturingGermany
71McCain FoodsFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoCanada
72NongshimFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoSouth Korea
73NCSOFTIT, Internet, Software & ServicesSouth Korea
74MandoAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)South Korea
75DMRetail and WholesaleGermany
76OshkoshAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)United States
77Fiat Chrysler AutomobilesAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)United Kingdom
78BajajAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)India
79MarsFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoUnited States
80Hyundai MotorAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)South Korea
81Reliance IndustriesConstruction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsIndia
82DecathlonRetail and WholesaleFrance
83BupaInsuranceUnited Kingdom
84RichemontEngineering, ManufacturingSwitzerland
85American Airlines GroupTransportation and LogisticsUnited States
86NEXONMedia & AdvertisingJapan
87Johnson & JohnsonDrugs & BiotechnologyUnited States
88SK GroupConstruction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsSouth Korea
89Deutsche TelekomTelecommunications Services, Cable SupplierGermany
90Hyundai Heavy Industries HoldingsEngineering, ManufacturingSouth Korea
92AIRBUSAerospace & DefenseNetherlands
93Air CanadaTransportation and LogisticsCanada
94Mitsubishi ElectricSemiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & EquipmentJapan
95Fraunhofer-GesellschaftProfessional ServicesGermany
96ChevronConstruction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsUnited States
97SonySemiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & EquipmentJapan
98Desjardins GroupBanking and Financial ServicesCanada
99CaterpillarEngineering, ManufacturingUnited States
100ManulifeBanking and Financial ServicesCanada

세계 최고 고용주(Worlds Best Employers)에 선정된 한국 기업

아래는 750개 기업 리스트에 그 이름을 올린 한국 기업들 리스트를 별도로 뽑아 보았습니다. 총 35개 한국 기업의 이름을 발견할 수 있었습니다.

1Samsung ElectronicsSemiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & EquipmentSouth Korea
5LGSemiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & EquipmentSouth Korea
37NaverIT, Internet, Software & ServicesSouth Korea
42AmorepacificPackaged GoodsSouth Korea
62Korea National OilConstruction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsSouth Korea
64CJ CorporationDrugs & BiotechnologySouth Korea
72NongshimFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoSouth Korea
73NCSOFTIT, Internet, Software & ServicesSouth Korea
74MandoAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)South Korea
80Hyundai MotorAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)South Korea
88SK GroupConstruction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsSouth Korea
90Hyundai Heavy Industries HoldingsEngineering, ManufacturingSouth Korea
109Industrial Bank of KoreaBanking and Financial ServicesSouth Korea
114KB Financial GroupBanking and Financial ServicesSouth Korea
125Celltrion HealthcareDrugs & BiotechnologySouth Korea
145Woori Financial GroupBanking and Financial ServicesSouth Korea
154GS GroupUtilitiesSouth Korea
184Daelim IndustrialAutomotive (Automotive and Suppliers)South Korea
185Hana Financial GroupBanking and Financial ServicesSouth Korea
192Kolon IndustriesEngineering, ManufacturingSouth Korea
198DoosanEngineering, ManufacturingSouth Korea
216Mirae Asset DaewooBanking and Financial ServicesSouth Korea
245PoscoConstruction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsSouth Korea
262Korea TelecomTelecommunications Services, Cable SupplierSouth Korea
265Harim HoldingsFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoSouth Korea
274Dongkuk Steel MillEngineering, ManufacturingSouth Korea
324LotteFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoSouth Korea
327Kumho PetrochemicalConstruction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsSouth Korea
344Hyundai Green FoodFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoSouth Korea
365KEPCOUtilitiesSouth Korea
390HanwhaAerospace & DefenseSouth Korea
464CowayEngineering, ManufacturingSouth Korea
475KT&GFood, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & TobaccoSouth Korea
712HyosungConstruction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsSouth Korea
748Taekwang IndustrialConstruction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and ChemicalsSouth Korea

포브스 선정 세계 최고 고용주(Worlds Best Employers) 리스트

포브스가 선정, 발표한 세계 최고 고용주(Worlds Best Employers) 리스트를 엑셀 파일로 정리해 아래 첨부해 봤으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.


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