[Stackable plugin problem] Stackable plugin conflict with IE

Updated on 2020-01-28 by

There is a problem between Stackable Plugin and IE11.

I am using Post block of Stackable plugin. I applied vertical card layout in this post block.

In IE, the style originally intended is not implemented.
Below is the implementation of vertical card layout in Crome and IE11.

Stackable plugin Post Block admin setting

Below is the vertical card layout setting.

Vertical Card Layout

Stackable Post setting_Vertical Card 02

Vertical Card Style

Stackable Post setting_Vertical Card

Show in IE11

Below is the implementation of vertical card layout in IE11.

Stackable Plugin, IE 11에서 보여지는 모습
Stackable Plugin, IE 11에서 보여지는 모습

Show in Crome

Below is the implementation of vertical card layout in Crome.

Stackable Plugin,Cromedptj  보여지는 모습
Stackable Plugin,Cromedptj 보여지는 모습

The pages in question are as follows.


Request mail

I have asked several times that there is a problem between Stackable Plugin and IE11. But it still remains unresolved, so I ask again.
I plan to apply the Stackable plug-in to multiple sites, but I’m putting it on hold because this problem is not resolved.

For specific problems between Stackable Plugin and IE11 see the posting below.

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1️⃣ 주식 등 투자 정보 : 기업 분석, IB 투자의견 등 투자 관련 내용
..... 테슬라 실적 및 IB들의의 테슬라 투자의견
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